Sadly since ubuntu 8.something I kept getting the following error message
Method "ApplyConfiguration" with signature "" on interface "org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XRANDR" doesn't exist
So I upgraded to the newest ubuntu version. Didn't make it much better. So I could had given up here and start shouting all kinds off stuff about linux or trying to make it work.
So here is the solution:
the gui is basically broken and you need to execute the commands to adjust everything your self. Using 'xandr'
for example to turn off a monitor:
xandr --output LVDS --off
or to change the resolution
xandr --output DVI-0 --mode 1360x768 --pos 0x0
2 minutes later I had my configuration up and running.
check with arandr
How would I turn off the mirror effect on my dual monitor display?