Monday, August 31, 2009

maven2 - define the context root of an webapp

Basically I have an application (ear) based on several jars and a war which I want to easily access with a context root of my choice.





Sunday, August 9, 2009

Method "ApplyConfiguration" with signature "" on interface "org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XRANDR" doesn't exist

today I wanted todo nothing else than the change the primaery output of my laptop to the 40" display attached over DVI to watch movies on it.

Sadly since ubuntu 8.something I kept getting the following error message

Method "ApplyConfiguration" with signature "" on interface "org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XRANDR" doesn't exist

So I upgraded to the newest ubuntu version. Didn't make it much better. So I could had given up here and start shouting all kinds off stuff about linux or trying to make it work.

So here is the solution:

the gui is basically broken and you need to execute the commands to adjust everything your self. Using 'xandr'

for example to turn off a monitor:

xandr --output LVDS --off

or to change the resolution

xandr --output DVI-0 --mode 1360x768 --pos 0x0

2 minutes later I had my configuration up and running.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

synchornized groovy

Today I discovered the question:

I want to have a websites which fires calculations to a database server, but the controller should only execute one calculation at a time

how do you do this?

The first approach was to try to queue the ajax calls, which obviously won't work if two people run calculations at the same time.

So plan b was to use synchronized groovy code.

* does the actual calculation
def calculate_ajax = {

assert params.database != null, "you need to provide 'database' in the params object"
assert != null, "you need to provide 'date' in the params object"
assert params.machine != null, "you need to provide 'machine' in the params object"
assert params.pattern != null, "you need to provide 'pattern' in the params object"
assert params.position != null, "you need to provide 'position' in the params object"

//needs to be synchronized so we don't kill the database server with this task
synchronized (LOCK) {
println new Date()
BinBaseQualityConnector.getQualityService().calculateSingleStandard(params.pattern, params.database, new Date(Long.parseLong(, params.machine, BinBaseQualityConnector.getKey())
render("<div class=\"after_complete\" style=\"width:${100 / BinBaseQualityConnector.getPattern(params).size()}%\"></div>")


static final def LOCK = "lock"

and a possible ajax call for this looks like this

<script type="text/javascript">
function() {
new Ajax.Updater('${i}_${y}_${z}', '/quality-war/processing/calculate_ajax', {
method: 'get', frequency: 3,parameters:'date=${date.getTime()}&database=${database}&machine=${machine}&pattern=${pattern}&position=${z}'