Now after browsing countless articles and remembering the JSON structure, I finally found the 'lift-json' project, which simplifies my live as busy developer a bit.
How to parse JSON with scala?
import edu.ucdavis.fiehnlab.alchemy.core.process.types.LibrarySpectra
import net.liftweb.json.parse
import net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats
* connects to the alchemy webservice and fetches all registered co
class WebserviceLibraryReader {
* internal converter class to simplify things
case class JsonCompound(name: String, inchikey: String, retentiontime: Double, theoretical: Double, massspectra: String)
case class CompoundWapper(compound: Array[JsonCompound])
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
* downloads the compounds for the given URL and returns it as a set of library spectra
def fetchCompounds(url: String): Set[LibrarySpectra] = {
val compounds: CompoundWapper = parse("""
{"compound":[{"name":"test","inchikey":"ADVPTQAUNPRNPO-UHFFFAOYSA-N","retentiontime":11111,"theoretical":11,"massspectra":"111:1 112:2 113:3"},{"name":"test","inchikey":"ADVPTQAUNPRNPO-UHFFFAOYSA-N","retentiontime":11111,"theoretical":11,"massspectra":"111:1 112:2 113:3"}]}
compounds.compound.foreach { x: JsonCompound =>
object WebserviceLibraryReader {
def main(ars: Array[String]) = {
println(new WebserviceLibraryReader().fetchCompounds("http://localhost:8080/alchemy-admin/services/queryAllCompoundsForMethod/test"))
The complete tutorial can be found here